BioAid hearing aid app for iOS devices

BioAid screenshot
BioAid screenshot on cookie bite setting

For anyone interested in the mysterious inner workings of hearing aid algorithms, this free BioAid app which transforms your smart phone or iPod/iPad into a hearing aid could be just the thing. The Open Source code behind it is also available for tinkering purposes, but count me out on that one since I don’t know my coding arse from my elbow.

Having had a quick play with BioAid on the spouse’s iPad this morning, I don’t think I’m going to be throwing away the wondrous Oticons just yet, but I’m quite interested in using it to try and get some understanding of how different hearing aid settings would operate in the background noise of the studio at work. Watch this space.

It will also come in very handy for listening at doors to check if a room is occupied. If I had a penny for every time I’ve forgetfully pressed my ear to a door and received a painful cranial embossing and a loud squeal of feedback from a hearing aid…

You can download BioAid and read about it here. There’s a 1, 2 and 1-2 kHz setting for Cookiebiters to play with.

via Hearing Aid