It’s Spring Again

I examine Kelspoke Castle carefully. It wasn't quite what I was expecting from the map...

Spring is finally in the air. The skies were blue and the sun was shining as the spouse and I set off up the hill behind the Buteshack yesterday, to take in the splendid views across the Clyde from the rather grandly named Kelspoke Castle.

The wellies were a must to negotiate the steep boggy ground, and the comedy slurping noises underfoot as I squelched through clods of peaty mud, were highly satisfying. I will give you a tip, however. Should you see watercress on marshy ground, don’t step in it unless you wish to take a refreshing dip.


Me and My Shadow


Looking from Kelspoke, Bute, towards Largs, BBC weather forecast: Sunny


Larking about in the sunshine yesterday, balanced precariously on the outcrop of rock which carries the remains of the ancient Kelspoke Castle. I was laughing on the other side of my face when I twisted my ankle on the way back down, but it was worth it for the spectacular view right up the Firth of Clyde.