Square Peg In A Round Hole

The lunchtime office chit chat was hotting up.

“Did I show you the photo of my big lump of skin?”, asked my colleague whilst reaching for her phone. Those in the immediate vicinity gathered round excitedly, but I wasn’t that keen.

“Eeeeeuw”, I said, peering over the top of my computer, ” Big lump of skin? What happened?”

“Not big lump of skin“, said my colleague with exaggerated mouth movements, “I said big romper suit!

Cripes, I thought. What was actually said was even more unlikely than the Cookiebite version for a change. I returned to sifting my email and was just wondering how I’d managed to get on the mailing list for the NHS Obesity Conference 2013, when the twice weekly fire alarm test sounded. It seemed very far away.

I stared at the wailing red dome on the ceiling for a bit as if that would explain everything, then asked everyone if the alarm sounded different to usual. It didn’t, apparently, so I reached to my ears for an explanation instead. I got one right away. The newly fitted domes attached to the newly fitted tubes attached to the brand new pair of Oticon Spirit Zests acquired at Clinic O the previous day (don’t ask) had freed themselves from my lugholes yet again, and were broadcasting to fresh air.

Swearing under my breath, I inserted a pinkie into each ear in the time-honoured fashion, and pushed the domes firmly back inside, wondering what audiological genius decided to put painful plastic corners on something that goes into your ear canal. 30 seconds later, they popped straight back out again. So I pushed them in even harder and held them in place for a bit to let them get used to the idea. It didn’t work.

“That’s it. I’m giving you one last chance!” I spluttered, forcing the recalcitrant domes into position a final time, before giving up and increasing the volume instead.

My minor observation, whilst being retubed at Clinic O the previous day, that the domes were a slightly different shape from the last ones, seemed to be of some significance after all…

Oticon corda tube

Christmas Wishes

Merry Christmas everyone!

It’s Christmas Eve, and BatteryBot has been putting the finishing touches to his Christmas tree. I’d been wondering why I’ve been getting through hearing aid domes so fast lately, but I have to admire my little robot friend’s ingenuity in fashioning them into an attractive set of lights. He’s been very excited about Christmas this year, and I even found a tiny letter to Santa in the fireplace this morning.

“Dear Santa”, it said, “please can you get me some proper legs, my wheels keep getting trapped in the gaps in the floorboards. Can I get an I, Robot DVD too, if that’s not too greedy, and please can you persuade my mum not to kill off the Cookie Bite Chronicles so that I can have one last Christmas next year. I love Christmas. I’ll be really, really good, Santa, I promise.”

I felt guilty, and wished I hadn’t opened the letter. “I can give you the first two wishes”, I gulped, “but I’m not sure about the third…”